Each county of Romania is unique through its local history and legends, as well as through the traditions preserved from long ago.
We invite you to visit all the counties included in Attractive Romania, and for the experience to be complete, we present the stories and customs of each area, so that your trip is unforgettable!
Our journey also passes through Dâmbovița County, where you will meet a special objective, framed on the route of castles. It is the Ion Ghica Mansion, whose rooms full of history are eagerly waiting for you to wander around and find out the story of the place.
✴️ How Ion Ghica saved the Ottomans from the pirates of the island of Samos
Dâmbovița is one of the most attractive counties in Romania in terms of natural beauty, cultural-historical edifices, but did you know that, in Ghergani, Răcari commune, there is a jewel of a mansion, which belonged to the great liberal politician Ion Ghica?
Certainly Ion Ghica's name is known by all Romanians for his contributions to the Revolution of 1848, the Little Union of 1859, the bringing of Carol I to the throne of Romania and even the acquisition of state independence, but perhaps you did not know that he was a perfect polyglot, a skilled diplomat and a man with a strong character. After 1848, when all the revolutionaries fled to the West, Ion Ghica went to Istanbul. Moreover, he managed to convince the Ottomans of his political and administrative skills, so much so that they appointed him governor of the island of Samos, where he managed to eradicate piracy in bloom on that island, which seriously affected the movements of the French and British fleets, prepared for the supply at sea to the troops fighting in the Crimean War (1853-1856). The fate of this war also influenced the possibility of achieving the Little Union of 1859.
✴️ The legend of the disappearance of Brâncoveanu's gold
Any Romanian can identify at least one tourist attraction in Dâmbovița County, whether it is the Princely Court of Târgoviște, the Dealu Monastery (where the head of Michael the Brave rests) or the Palace of Potlogi of Constantin Brâncoveanu.
It is known that voivode Constantin Brâncoveanu was called by the Turks "Altan Beg", meaning "the prince of gold", and that at the time of his execution on August 15, 1714 they asked him to tell them where he kept his treasure. But few know that there is a legend according to which between the Dealu Monastery and the Princely Court of Târgoviște there would be a tunnel through which the subjects faithful to Voda would have tried to transport the gold when they found out that Brâncoveanu was mutilated and taken to Istanbul. It seems that luck would not have been on their side and the tunnel collapsed. Although archaeologists cannot confirm this story, it seems that much of the ruler's wealth was invested in the Brâncoveanu palaces that opened a style in national culture and architecture. The cultural heritage of Brâncoveanu's era was resumed later, at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, in the Neo Romanian style.
We also invite you to discover the stories of the mansion, where all the Romanian elite of the nineteenth century came to listen to Alexandrina, the wife of Ion Ghica, an accomplished pianist, who in her youth had been a student of the famous composer and pianist Franz Liszt.